Friday, September 23, 2011

Sinners in the Hands of a angry God

As I read this sermon, all i could think of was WOW.! How could people possibly live their lives in such threat and treachure. I couldnt possibly go to church that often and hear such horrible things and accept life as that way. Never in the sermon did I read positive things about God and how no matter what you do, he will still love you. I now umderstand why there is pretty much no such thing as forgiveness being a Puritan, with crazy things they think God will do to them, i wouldnt even think twice about forgiving someone, let alone doing something where i would need forgiveness. Im glad they wanted to live their lives without sinning, but its honestly kind of hard being a pure christian. Even if you dont know it, more than likely you sin everyday. But the love God has for us is so strong, that he is willing to forgive us. I wish the Puritans were able to understand that. <3

Friday, September 16, 2011

Arrivals...... There Goes the Neighborhood

The neighborhood I live in definitely has a variety of races and ethinicities, but majority of my neighboorhood is filled with Hispanics. The different celebrations, food variety, and in general, the way they people in my neighborhood live their life is very interesting to me because its so different.

Alot of the families that live on my block are extremely different from my household. I've noticed that the Hispanics are very family oriented and are constantly having what I think are parties EVERYDAY.! Everyone weekend, all i hear is loud music, fun, and laughter. Sometimes, I wish I could join their festivities and participate in the celebration, even if its just enjoying their familes company.

Relationships within my neighborhood are kind of weird. Because of all the different races, everyone are hesitant to get to know one another. The adults in the neighborhood have better relationshipd with on another, than the kids on the block do. When most of us were young, we had no problem around each other, but now that most of the kids are getting older they're sticking to their comfort zone. The african americans tend to stick to each other, the hispanics seems to stay with each other, and the caucasions tend to stick with one another.  I honestly wish i could change this because i dont really like the separation. But then again i alone cant do it by myself. :(

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Heyyy everyone in my 6th period english class.! Im Ane' King and i guess im going to tell you a little about myself. Well im a sophmore that obviously attends Whitney Young. I graduated 8th grade from C.I.C.S Longwood academy, where i attened there for nine years. Theres not much to know about me beside the fact that i LOVE dancing and theatre. Im in a drama group title FCBC, for children, by children. We dance, we act, we sing. We do just about everything. The latest play we been touring is "Expressions of Mj: History in the Remix"

Being in this class for the past couples days, ive come to really like this class. Its interesting and seems as though im going to have a great year in this class. :)