Friday, September 16, 2011

Arrivals...... There Goes the Neighborhood

The neighborhood I live in definitely has a variety of races and ethinicities, but majority of my neighboorhood is filled with Hispanics. The different celebrations, food variety, and in general, the way they people in my neighborhood live their life is very interesting to me because its so different.

Alot of the families that live on my block are extremely different from my household. I've noticed that the Hispanics are very family oriented and are constantly having what I think are parties EVERYDAY.! Everyone weekend, all i hear is loud music, fun, and laughter. Sometimes, I wish I could join their festivities and participate in the celebration, even if its just enjoying their familes company.

Relationships within my neighborhood are kind of weird. Because of all the different races, everyone are hesitant to get to know one another. The adults in the neighborhood have better relationshipd with on another, than the kids on the block do. When most of us were young, we had no problem around each other, but now that most of the kids are getting older they're sticking to their comfort zone. The african americans tend to stick to each other, the hispanics seems to stay with each other, and the caucasions tend to stick with one another.  I honestly wish i could change this because i dont really like the separation. But then again i alone cant do it by myself. :(

1 comment:

  1. Joanna Martinez:

    I agree with your comments on the hispanic culture. I am hispanic and know that these details are very true. :) The seperation in your neighborhood is terrible. Why dont you start talking and try to become friends with people of the other race and maybe that way you can influence others to follow in your footsteps. In history many famous icons stood up alone and were later followed. I believe you can be the person to change these ways if you really set your mind to it. It might take time to change, but it'll work out in the end. All you have to do is believe in yourself.
