Saturday, December 17, 2011

Winter time

No snow.
No cold.
No holiday cheer.
No love
No laugh
No one to stay near.

No hug.
No kiss.
No open arms.
No respect.
No courage.
No protection in case of harm.

No sun.
No light.
No beautiful smile.
No comfort.
No growth.
No one to stay for a while.

No ideas.
No creativity.
No gifts under the tree.
No hope.
No warmth.
This is what the winter is suppose to be?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

That Dude: J.D Salinger

As I read articles about this wonderful man, I've learned that he is VERY different and not really understood by many people. But I also learned that his work is appreciated and loved by soo many people. His ability to write such wonderful and thought provoked short stories keeps people guessing about him in general. But what I dont understand is why is this man so controversial, as well as some of his work that has been published. Society focus so much on the people, when they really should focus on the joy that these people bring to sooo many.

J.D. Salinger has written a book, that soo many people talk about, "Catcher in the Rye". Here's one quote that was said about this book.

"Mr. Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye" caused a sensation when it was published. With its very first sentence, the book, which came out in 1951, introduced a brand-new voice in American writing, and it quickly became a cult book, a rite of passage for the brainy and disaffected."

This book has been known to be one of the reason that people have murdered other people. I believe that that is complete craziness. How could that possibly be? But according to this quote, its true. "The most well-known popular culture event associated with the novel is arguably Mark David Chapman's shooting of John Lennon. Chapman identified with narrator Holden Caulfield, to the extent that he wanted to change his name to Holden Caulfield. Chapman was found with a copy of the book the night he shot Lennon -- Chapman had written "This is my statement" inside and signed Holden's name. Chapman also read a passage from the book to address the court during his sentencing. Daniel Stashower speculated that Chapman wanted Lennon's innocence to be preserved by death, being inspired by Holden's wish to preserve children's innocence, despite the fact that Holden later realizes in the book that children should be left alone. 
After John Hinckley, Jr.'s assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan in 1981, police found The Catcher in the Rye among half a dozen other books in his hotel room.
Robert John Bardo, who murdered Rebecca Schaeffer, was carrying the book when he visited Schaeffer's apartment in Hollywood on July 18, 1989."

But on the other hand, there are many positive things about Mr. Salinger's writings. People love the books and short stories he has written. And as a first time reader of one of his pieces, I'm honestly inlove with his book, "Catcher in the Rye." Hopefully I wont turn crazy like the rest of those wrote loved the book as well, LOL.! :)

R.I.P j.d Salinger <3

Sunday, December 4, 2011

My Red Hunting Hat

Im not for sure what I use my red hunting hat for. More than likely its to disguise myself from everyone and everything. With my hat i am able to hide who i really am from others. When im going through things, first thing i make sure i do is put on my hat. Some may call it being untruthful to yourself as well as others, but for me its a way to escape the impossible. When i put on my hat, nobody knows what im going through or what ive been through. They only see my exterior, not my internal pain. My red hat helps me deal with what im going through without everyone eslse getting involved. The only time i take off my red hat is when im crying out for help, and thats only to those who can see the real me even when i got my hat on.

Thankful For....

I am absolutely thankful for my class as a whole. I feel as though we push eachother to continue to be the best that we can be in that classroom. Although we have so many different personalities and perceptions on life, we steadly have open arms to one another. There are also individuals in the class that im thankful for.

Lexi: Weirdly i feel like ive knowm you forever, but im just now meeting you this year. its great to know that i can walk into that classroom and know i have someone to laugh with, or even bertter, have someone to help me in im struggling. And dont you just love it when i asked for you for your lip gloss.! Lol. But honestly, im glad i met you and hope to continue a great friendship with you. :)

JoAnna: Since we had that talk in bluehouse, I feel like we have growm closer to one another. I love that i can possibly talk to you about everything.

Amber: You are just a great person. Whenever i need something i can alsways rely on you to have my back. Im glad to have met you this school year. :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Open Letter

Dear Charles Bukowski,

In Your poem, Dinosauria We, I was able to connect openly to the topics you were expressing. The way you presented these topics seem very non-chalant but at the same time very blunt. Your poem created tesnsion in me, making me wonder will we ever go through the "this" that you talk about or are we already beginning to go forth about it. Or ever better have we already gone through it and are beginning a new chapter that could possiby be even worse. One thing that really stood at to me was when you wrote " As Mrs. Death laughs." Guessing that your intentions of this poem was for people to create their own "this", that line made me wonder what you could be talking about. Perhaps you were saying that death is such a natural thing occurring now, with all the killings and people dying of deadly diseases, that death gets a chance to laugh at the patheticness of our nation. We are making such topics like death, the main thing that we talk about, even though it shouldnt be that way.

As I continued to read on in the poem, i felt as though your poem was to bring awareness to what humankind is doing, and to also try to prevent it before it too late. I feel as though the things you talked about has already happen or is currently happening. For instance, " Into Hospitals, which are so expensive that its cheaper to die" in so many cases in the world people leave this world because of this reasoning. Expensive to make sure we stay healthy and get the medical care we need are way too high. And im glad you talked about this in your peom.

But from reading this peom, i realized i think about the same thing you write about. Maybe i should read more of your writings.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Cormac McCarthy *revised*

The Road, by Cormac McCarthy, is one of the most controversial, yet overly-popular written books. It has a broad population of readers, who either love the book or have alot to say about it.

As for me, the parts of the book that i have read has definitely kept me interested. The relationship between the father and the son is very heart touching and a sensitive situation. The father has one of the most important and hardest jobs anyone could ever have; being a father in such drastic terms. He tries to keep surving, while also continue to teach his son about life and allow him enjoy some aspects of it: whether it may be letting him taste the wonderous taste of pop or allowing his son to go swimming. But it seems to me, that they both live their days in fear of dying. Every waken moment, the son is asking when are they going to die, or are they going to die soon. As a father, the man can only install hope inside his son's heart, and replies by saying, "i dont know. but not anytime soon."

A NewYork Times review on the book states the following:
"McCarthy has said that death is the major issue in the world and that writers who don’t address it are not serious. Death reaches very near totality in this novel. Billions of people have died, all animal and plant life, the birds of the air and the fishes of the sea are dead: “At the tide line a woven mat of weeds and the ribs of fishes in their millions stretching along the shore as far as eye could see like an isocline of death.” Forest fires are still being ignited (by lightning? other fires?) after what seems to be a decade since that early morning — 1:17 a.m., no day, month or year specified — when the sky opened with “a long shear of light and then a series of low concussions.” The survivors (not many) of the barbaric wars that followed the event wear masks against the perpetual cloud of soot in the air. Bloodcults are consuming one another. Cannibalism became a major enterprise after the food gave out. Deranged chanting became the music of the new age."

The wife, which isnt talked about often, was one of those people who used death has her scape-goat. She would rather be dead than have to endure such horrible circumstances and even watch her son live in such an unfitt enviroment. But death's main appereance in this story appears as protection. If something were to happen, ther are bullets to kills off the father and his son, not those who are coming after them. This is very interesting to me.

But as i continue to read, thing wills probably be more clear for. Think ill go open up my book now :)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Cormac McCArthy

The Road, by Cormac McCarthy is so far and intersting story. As I've been reading, soo much love, survival, and courage is shown throughout the story.! At times the book is very detailed, which helps you understand and visualize all that is going on. But I must say, other times I don't quite understand what's being expressed in scene. Some of Mr. McCarthy's writing gets confusing sometimes, with his unfinished sentences or his incomplete thoughts. I also don't really under stand why he choses to write this way. Authors have soo many different reasons why they chose the writing style that they do, like for instance it helps set the mood their trying to set or it helps it be more realistic. Whatever the case maybe, Cormac has lost me on his reason.! But other than that, I'm highyl interested in what's going to happen in the book, and is delighted to continue to read on

Friday, October 21, 2011

father and son

In the story, The Road, the father and son have an incredible relationship. Because of their circumstances, they are forced to have a close relationship. The father has to play both the mother and father for his child, which is a big responsibility. As they travel to find survival, the father is put to the task of putting his needs aside, and making sure he still raises his child appropriately.

Sometimes i wonder would me and father ever have that type of relationship. Under the circumstances, probably yeah, but now, my father and i barely even speak and we live in the same household. Hopefully it will happen before we ever have to encounter such a horrible experience

Father and Son

In the story, The Road, the father and son have an incredible relationship. Because of their circumstances, they are forced to have a close relationship. The father has to play both the mother and father for his child, which is a big responsibility. As they travel to find survival, the father is put to the task of putting his needs aside, and making sure he still raises his child appropriately.

Sometimes i wonder would me and father ever have that type of relationship. Under the circumstances, probably yeah, but now, my father and i barely even speak and we live in the same household. Hopefully it will happen before we ever have to encounter such a horrible experience.

father and son

In the story, The Road, the father and son have an incredible relationship. Because of their circumstances, they are forced to have a close relationship. The father has to play both the mother and father for his child, which is a big responsibility. As they travel to find survival, the father is put to the task of putting his needs aside, and making sure he still raises his child appropriately.

Sometimes i wonder would me and father ever have that type of relationship. Under the circumstances, probably yeah, but now, my father and i barely even speak and we live in the same household. Hopefully it will happen before we ever have to encounter such a horrible experience

father and son

In the story, The Road, the father and son have an incredible relationship. Because of their circumstances, they are forced to have a close relationship. The father has to play both the mother and father for his child, which is a big responsibility. As they travel to find survival, the father is put to the task of putting his needs aside, and making sure he still raises his child appropriately.

Sometimes i wonder would me and father ever have that type of relationship. Under the circumstances, probably yeah, but now, my father and i barely even speak and we live in the same household. Hopefully it will happen before we ever have to encounter such a horrible experience

Father and Son

In the story, The Road, the father and son have an incredible relationship. Because of their circumstances, they are forced to have a close relationship. The father has to play both the mother and father for his child, which is a big responsibility. As they travel to find survival, the father is put to the task of putting his needs aside, and making sure he still raises his child appropriately.

Sometimes i wonder would me and father ever have that type of relationship. Under the circumstances, probably yeah, but now, my father and i barely even speak and we live in the same household. Hopefully it will happen before we ever have to encounter such a horrible experience

father and son

In the story, The Road, the father and son have an incredible relationship. Because of their circumstances, they are forced to have a close relationship. The father has to play both the mother and father for his child, which is a big responsibility. As they travel to find survival, the father is put to the task of putting his needs aside, and making sure he still raises his child appropriately.

Sometimes i wonder would me and father ever have that type of relationship. Under the circumstances, probably yeah, but now, my father and i barely even speak and we live in the same household. Hopefully it will happen before we ever have to encounter such a horrible experience

father and son

In the story, The Road, the father and son have an incredible relationship. Because of their circumstances, they are forced to have a close relationship. The father has to play both the mother and father for his child, which is a big responsibility. As they travel to find survival, the father is put to the task of putting his needs aside, and making sure he still raises his child appropriately.

Sometimes i wonder would me and father ever have that type of relationship. Under the circumstances, probably yeah, but now, my father and i barely even speak and we live in the same household. Hopefully it will happen before we ever have to encounter such a horrible experience

Father and Son

In the story, The Road, the father and son have an incredible relationship. Because of their circumstances, they are forced to have a close relationship. The father has to play both the mother and father for his child, which is a big responsibility. As they travel to find survival, the father is put to the task of putting his needs aside, and making sure he still raises his child appropriately.

Sometimes i wonder would me and father ever have that type of relationship. Under the circumstances, probably yeah, but now, my father and i barely even speak and we live in the same household. Hopefully it will happen before we ever have to encounter such a horrible experience.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

John Proctor: Stooge or Hero

In so many people's eyes, John is soo many different things. A liar, self centered, a sinner, mischevious, brave, hard-working, and so many others.! I have mixed emotions about Mr. Proctor. I mean i cant lie and say that what he did with Abigail was appropriate, because it wasnt.! But I do understand him wanting to have anything to do with her anymore.! In my eyes he is a hero, although he didnt budge until after his  wife was accused of witchery, he went into that court standing up for all those who did nothing wrong.! And for that i respect him.!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Sinners in the Hands of a angry God

As I read this sermon, all i could think of was WOW.! How could people possibly live their lives in such threat and treachure. I couldnt possibly go to church that often and hear such horrible things and accept life as that way. Never in the sermon did I read positive things about God and how no matter what you do, he will still love you. I now umderstand why there is pretty much no such thing as forgiveness being a Puritan, with crazy things they think God will do to them, i wouldnt even think twice about forgiving someone, let alone doing something where i would need forgiveness. Im glad they wanted to live their lives without sinning, but its honestly kind of hard being a pure christian. Even if you dont know it, more than likely you sin everyday. But the love God has for us is so strong, that he is willing to forgive us. I wish the Puritans were able to understand that. <3

Friday, September 16, 2011

Arrivals...... There Goes the Neighborhood

The neighborhood I live in definitely has a variety of races and ethinicities, but majority of my neighboorhood is filled with Hispanics. The different celebrations, food variety, and in general, the way they people in my neighborhood live their life is very interesting to me because its so different.

Alot of the families that live on my block are extremely different from my household. I've noticed that the Hispanics are very family oriented and are constantly having what I think are parties EVERYDAY.! Everyone weekend, all i hear is loud music, fun, and laughter. Sometimes, I wish I could join their festivities and participate in the celebration, even if its just enjoying their familes company.

Relationships within my neighborhood are kind of weird. Because of all the different races, everyone are hesitant to get to know one another. The adults in the neighborhood have better relationshipd with on another, than the kids on the block do. When most of us were young, we had no problem around each other, but now that most of the kids are getting older they're sticking to their comfort zone. The african americans tend to stick to each other, the hispanics seems to stay with each other, and the caucasions tend to stick with one another.  I honestly wish i could change this because i dont really like the separation. But then again i alone cant do it by myself. :(

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Heyyy everyone in my 6th period english class.! Im Ane' King and i guess im going to tell you a little about myself. Well im a sophmore that obviously attends Whitney Young. I graduated 8th grade from C.I.C.S Longwood academy, where i attened there for nine years. Theres not much to know about me beside the fact that i LOVE dancing and theatre. Im in a drama group title FCBC, for children, by children. We dance, we act, we sing. We do just about everything. The latest play we been touring is "Expressions of Mj: History in the Remix"

Being in this class for the past couples days, ive come to really like this class. Its interesting and seems as though im going to have a great year in this class. :)